Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to School

Summer Highlights

School was finally out for Summer!!
Hiking Stewart Falls with Uncle Kevin, Aunt Demri, and Brinli

Taking a snack/drink break on the trail!

Posing in the Lake

Lots of fun fishing trips with Dad!

Visiting Temple Square.

Taking Marli to the State Capital.

Checking out the Great Salt Lake, which we realized isn't so GREAT!!

Kennecott Copper Mine with G.G.

Learning to ride a bike without training wheels.

Nate getting the Aaronic Priesthood on the Susquehanna River.

New York City

Piano Recital and summer piano camp.

Last Clayton performance. Yay!!

Playing with friends at the ballpark.
Ashton playing baseball

Peyton playing baseball!
We had such a fun summer. I had all the kids write down the top 5 things they wanted to do this summer and I think we did them all except a Bee's game which is coming up. Some other fun activities that we didn't document with photos include:
Swimming, swimming and more swimming
Swimming lessons
Raging Waters
Lagoon (twice)
Track and field
Golf lessons with friends and cousins
flag football camp
Cheer camp
Lots of sleepovers with cousins
Peyton learning to wake board & ride a dirt bike
Yummy BBQ's
Going to the Pancake House with Grandma Janet
Family bike rides
Murray Pool with friends
Sleeping in
Being Lazy